Network Challenge - 001 - Solution

I Wanted to send a big thanks out to everyone who sent solutions in for the Network challenge. While there were many responses, two (2) stood out amongst the rest. I don't plan on doing prizes for all of these contests, but I was so impressed by these responses, that I wanted to do something special on this ocassion. The winners of this first challenge are:
- First Place: @dfir_it ($150 amazon Gift Card) Solution is below
- Second Place: @CYINT_DUDE ($50 Amazon Gift Card) Solution
The first place solution is so well written, that I figured it was worth posting in it's entirety here (with permission from the author of course). See below for the solution, and keep any eye on where the author intends to post more details on how he arrived at the answers you see below.
@dfir_it Winning Contest Submission: