
Security Videos

Entries in tektip (15)


Automater - IP and URL analysis tool

Update: Automater gets its own project page http://www.tekdefense.com/automater/

One challenge I have faced, as well as seen other analyst face as well is the amount of time it takes to investigate an IP Address or URL.  If you are like most analyst you have probably used at least some if not all of the following web tools to investigate IPs or URLs involved in an incident:

As I mentioned previously to lookup an IP against all or even some of these takes more time than it should.  Additionally, as they all are formatted differently and have different options, you can not export them in a format that can be attached to a trouble ticket, evidence file, or even an email.  Noticing this issue, I attempted to fix it by creating a python program that will scrape the previously mentioned resources to pull out the information relevant to what the analyst needs.

Meet Automater:

The tool currently only queries IPVoid, Robtex, and Fortiguard currently, but I am working on adding modules from all the resources I mentioned earlier in the article.  The help option will explain where I am heading with the project, all though I am not quite there yet. 

root@bt:~/workspace/Automater# ./Automater.py -h
    -t: target ip or url.  URL must include http://
    -s: source engine (robtex, ipvoid, fortiguard)
    -a: all engines
    -h: help
    -f: import a file of IPs and/or URLs
    -o: output results to file
    -i: Interactive Mode
    ./Automater.py -t -a -o result.txt
    ./Automater.py -f hosts.txt -s robtex -o results.txt

Automater right now only takes the -t and the -h options and only works for one target at a time.  This again will change as I modify it.  URL support has not been added yet either.

I am posting this now in its pre-release form because I would like to hear from the community what types of features they would like to see added.  I would also like to know of any bugs you can find.  Lastly, I am of course interested in anyone who would like to contribute to the project.  If all goes as planned I would like to have the tool fully functional within a couple of weeks.  Once complete I will attempt to pitch the tool to Doug Burks to add to his Security Onion Distro.  I think this could be a really nice tool for analysts.

Contribute to, or download the tool on Github.

Report any Bugs or feature requests to 1aN0rmus@TekDefense.com



TekTip ep12 - Regex Basics

Description: Regular expressions are a way to match specific patterns in strings.
Demo Setup: For the demo, I am using BT5 with eclipse and pydev.  I am demonstrating with python, but there are many other methods that could be used.
Uses:  Singature creation pcre, scripting, programming
"\w": word character
"\W": Not word character
"\d" : digit
"\D" : Not digit
"\s" : space
"\S" : not space
"\" : escape 
"." : Any character except \n (new line)
"|" : or
"{}" : Range
"+" : One or more
String: Hi, my name is 1aN0rmus.  My phone number is 555-555-5555 my address is 123 Internet Lane. 
Regex: '\d\w\w\d\w\w\w\w'
Result: 1aN0rmus
Regex: '\d\w+\d\w+'
Result: 1aN0rmus
Regex: '\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{4}'
Result: 555.555.5555 
Regex: '\d{1,5}\s\w+\s\w+'
Result: 123 Internet Lane
String: saDaSDASD/forum/Themes/core/images/sdfs.exe SAdasd
Regex: '\/forum\/Themes\/core\/images\/\w+\.exe'
Result: /forum/Themes/core/images/sdfs.exe
Scripts seen on this episode can be downloaded at https://github.com/1aN0rmus/TekDefense.  Feel free to help out with either script.  I'm a beginner when it comes to python.

Thank you,



TekTip ep10 - Proxychains!

ProxyChains-3.1 (http://proxychains.sf.net)
Proxychains is a tool to force connections through multiple proxies.  What makes this tool special is putting applications without native proxy capabilities through a proxy.
Config: /etc/proxychains.conf
Three main modes
1. Dynamic - All proxies chained in order listed.  Dead proxies are skipped.
2. Strict - All proxies chained in order listed.  If a proxy is dead, the chain is dropped.
3. Random - Randomly chains proxies within the list.
-If using Random, give a chain length to specify how many proxies are used.
Other Important config options:
proxy_dns: ensure this is uncommented if you want to proxy dns requests.  If you don't DNS requests will be handled in the standard manner, unproxied. 
List the proxies use the format of:
"Type address port"
Socks4 8888
proxychains "application"
proxyxhains curl ifconfig.me
proxychains firefox
proxychains ssh root@'
proxychains xhydra

TekTip ep8 - IPv6 Hacking with socat and ANYTHING

IPv6 Hacking w/ socat and ANYTHING
In this episode of TekTip we use socat to facilitate hacking with tools that don't normally support ipv6. While this demo uses nikto as the attacking tool, this methodology will work with most other tools as well.
fdf8:6fd6:7dc:ae05:f1f1:f1f1:f1f1:f1f1 - BT5 (Pentester)
fdf8:6fd6:7dc:ae05:f0f0:f0f0:f0f0:f0f0 - Web Server (Damn Vulnerable Web App, DVWA)
socat TCP-LISTEN:8080,reuseaddr,fork TCP6: [fdf8:6fd6:7dc:ae05:f0f0:f0f0:f0f0:f0f0]:80
  • TCP-Listen:  Select the port the listener will be stood up on.
  • reuseaddr:  Allows other sockets to bind to an address even if parts  of  it  (e.g. the local port) are already in use by socat.
  • fork:   After  establishing a connection, handles its channel in a child  process and keeps the parent process attempting to produce  more connections,  either  by  listening  or  by connecting in a loop
./nikto.pl -host -port 8080
  • Host:  Target ip.  In our case we will use as socat is lstening and forwarding that traffic to the IPv6 target.
  • Port: Port of the target.  We will use 8080 as this is the port we configured socat to listen on.  This is not the port of the target webserver.  Socat will forward to port 80.

TekTip ep7 - Credential Harvesting with The Social Engineering Toolkit

The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)  
SET is created by: https://www.trustedsec.com      
SET includes many modules:  Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors,  Website Attack Vectors, Infectious Media Generator, Create a Payload and Listener, Mass Mailer Attack, Arduino-Based Attack Vector, SMS Spoofing Attack Vector, Wireless Access Point Attack Vector, QRCode Generator Attack Vector, Powershell Attack Vectors, Third Party Modules.
In this video we focus on "Website Attack Vectors" and particularly "Credential Harvester".  For this demo we clone the securitytube.net login page and watch as users (in our lab) attempt to connect and login, giving us their passwords.
Keep in mind that this by itself is not a very strong tool.  You must combine with information gathering techniques and trickery to get the most out of this tool in a pentest.